Saturday, 22 March 2014

Get Prepared to Work At Home

 Get Prepared to Work At Home

 When most people decide to work at home, they have visions of how easy and convenient it is going to be, rolling out of bed and rolling up to the computer in your home clothes, or being able to work and still never missing any of their favourite soap operas and talk shows during the day. Unfortunately, there is a lot more to contend with after making the decision to work at home than no more suits and no more commuting.

To work at home successfully, a person needs a great deal of personal motivation and self-discipline. After all, there is no train you are going to miss and no boss you are going to tick off by showing up late if you can't get yourself out of bed by eight in the morning. Instead, people who work at home have to be their own boss and monitor their own schedule in this regard, which can be difficult if you're used to being motivated by the strict schedule imposed by your office environment.

On the other hand, for many individuals who don't necessarily function optimally during "normal" working hours and who prefer a more alternative approach, the work at home option can be a blessing because it allows them to work at home when it is convenient for them. In many cases, this arrangement will make someone more productive, not less. Having a flexible working schedule is a home business advantage but it can also lead to failure if not managed properly.

If you are planning to work at home, the best thing you can do is to set yourself a few ground rules and make sure you stick to them. Plan your workdays in advance - know when you are going to get up and start work, when you will break for lunch and when you will quit for the day, just as you would at an office.

If you work at home, your schedule doesn't have to be the same as it would at the office, but it needs to exist in order for you to be productive. Set yourself a designated work area where you will work at home and try to keep it as separate from your non-work life as you can.

After all, one thing many people who work at home learn quickly is that you don't always appreciate being at home as much when you're not working if you're also at home when you are working.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

What to do With Items Left Over from Your Garage Sale

 What to do With Items Left Over from Your Garage Sale

 It’s a rare garage sale that is left with no items, so you’ll probably have a few things left over from yours. You’ll need to decide what you want to do with these.

There are several options. If the stuff left is something you had hoped never to see again, you could leave it out on the front lawn or near your gate overnight in the hopes that someone will steal it. Or you could place a Free Stuff notice with it.

You could pack it away in your shed ready to offer at the next garage sale you have or offer it to someone else to sell at their garage sale. But if you really want the money from it, only do this if you trust the person. If you don’t care, simply donate it to them - if they want it.

If the items are worth a reasonable amount, you could try selling them through the Internet on places like eBay. Don’t forget that you have to pay a certain amount for the privilege, so make sure it’s worth it. Or you could advertise it in the local paper. Again, this will cost you, so it’s up to you to decide if you’ll get enough to recoup the cost of the ad. Your local community noticeboard may be the way to go for advertising - at least that is free.

Depending on what the items were, you could give it to Great-Aunt Emma for her birthday. Hey, it might be soap or powder! Maybe it would be better to simply bag it all up and take it to the nearest opportunity shop, or give the Salvation Army a call. If the stuff is too big and heavy for you to move, they might come and pick it up.

Many churches run sale days using goods donated, so you could call up a church in your area and offer them your stuff. If you are really desperate, you could simply dump it in the nearest dumpster, or leave it out for the garbage man to collect.

The best way to prevent stuff being left over is to reduce the price on it towards the end of the day. You could even offer it free just to get rid of it. This plan of action may not do for more valuable items, of course, just the stuff that’s not worth much. Some people simply don’t want the hassle of bringing it all back inside again, so they think it’s worthwhile giving it away.